The advisory board of Pharmact is available for scientific support and the establishment of local academies, also to transport our services to organisations and industry.
The advisory board supports the management of Pharmact AG in questions of public relations and fundraising. Pharmact BioScience GmbH benefits from the advisory approaches of the advisory board, for example in positioning and in matters of development co-operation with institutions and the academic sector.
The broadening of the company’s networks creates opportunities for new contacts with companies, institutions and medical faculties.
Prof. Dr. med. Abderahman Machraoui
Cardiologist, Clinical Trials; Bochum, Germany / Maroc
Dr. med. Alexander Strelnikow
Clinical Trials; St. Petersburg, Russ. Federation
Robert E. Johnson, Legal Counsil
General Administration Advisor, Durham, NC, USA
Prof. Dr. med. Bronek M. Boszcyk
Visiting Professor Nottingham Trent University
Prof. Dr. med. Robert Pflugmacher
Universitätsklinikum Bonn, Germany