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Use of the Point-of-Care Test

The product BelDIA PRE is a rapid visual immunoassay for the qualitative detection of intact proinsulin in human whole blood, serum or plasma samples. It is intended for the early detection of a diabetes mellitus.

What is the accuracy of the test?

Intaktes Proinsulin
   Rel. Sensitivity 89,90%
   Rel. Specifivity 91,00%
   Accuracy 90,70%

What is the false positive rate of the test?

The false positive rate is about 9%. About 9% of the tests display a result that is clearly visible to the eyes, even though there is still no significant increase in intact proinsulin above 15 pmol/l.

Storage and shelf life

Storage and transport must take place in a temperature range between 2 – 30° C. Then the shelf life of the test is max. 24 months.

Field of application

The test enables the early diagnosis of a pathological disorder of the sugar metabolism. Type 2 diabetes develops when the body cells become increasingly insensitive to insulin and insulin resistance increases.

What is the clinical background?

Before the blood sugar level increases measurably, there is a phase of several years in which the precursor of insulin, intact proinsulin, demonstrably increases in concentration in the blood.

Intact proinsulin in the blood is a highly specific laboratory indicator of ß-cell dysfunction. Various studies have shown that increasing the level of intact proinsulin in the blood enables a prognosis of developing type 2 diabetes by up to 5 years in the future.



Le produit BelFIBRO est un test immunologique visuel rapide pour la détection qualitative du biomarqueur YKL-40 dans les échantillons de sérum. Le test est une aide au diagnostic de diverses maladies du foie.

What is the accuracy of the test?

  YKL-40 (CHI3L1)
   Rel. Sensitivity 96,60%
   Rel. Specifitivity 93,40%
   Accuracy 95,00%

Quel est le taux de faux positifs du test ?

Le taux de faux positifs est de seulement 3.4 %. Dans environ 3.4 % de tous les tests, une valeur positive est observée, alors qu’en fait, aucune valeur hépatique significativement élevée n’est présente.

Stockage et durée de conservation

Le stockage et l’expédition doivent être effectués dans une plage de température comprise entre 2 et 30° C. Dans ce cas, la durée de conservation du test est au maximum de 24 mois au maximum.

Domaine d’application

Le test est fourni comme outil diagnostique auxiliaire pour la détection de la fibrose hépatique jusqu’à la cirrhose. La détection du YKL-40 (CHI3L1) ne peut pas remplacer les méthodes d’investigation clinique utilisées.

Quel est le contexte clinique

Parmi les causes les plus fréquentes de maladies du foie dans les pays industrialisés, on trouve la NAFL (maladie hépatique grasse non alcoolique). L’utilisation régulière de médicaments sera toxique pour le foie ainsi que la consommation excessive d’alcool.

La NAFL, le foie gras non alcoolisé, entraîne une augmentation de la graisse des cellules hépatiques par le biais de métabolites lipidiques toxiques. Cela conduit à la stéatohépatite, une inflammation qui entraîne un remodelage fibreux du parenchyme hépatique par le biais de la perte de tissus et de processus de réparation chroniques.

Les infections causées par des agents pathogènes tels que les virus de l’hépatite A à E ou les maladies parasitaires sont la principale cause de maladie chronique du foie dans le reste du monde.


Application of the test unit

The BelCardio Test is a rapid visual immunoassay for the qualitative detection of cardiac Troponin I (cTnI) and heart type fatty acid binding protein (hFABP) in human whole blood, serum or plasma samples.

What is the accuracy of the test?

   Rel. Sensitivity 98.4% 94.70%
   Rel. Specifitivity 94.3% 95.00%
   Accuracy 95.7% 94.90%

What is the false positive rate of the assay?

The false positive rate is at only 3.5%. In about 3.5 of 100 tests a positive value is seen, whereas in fact no significantly elevated liver values are present.

Storage and shelf-life

Storage and shipping have to be carried out within a temperature range between 2 – 30° C. In this case the shelf life of the test is max. 24 months.

What is the clinical background?

The cTnI is a protein found in the heart muscle. After damage to the heart muscle, cTnI is released into the bloodstream after 3-6 hours. The release of cTnI is similar to creatine kinase (CK-MB). While CK-MB returns to its normal level after 72 hours, cTnI remains elevated for 6-10 days, providing a larger window of time to detect heart damage. Because of its high specificity and sensitivity in myocardial tissue, cTnI has become a preferred biomarker for myocardial infarction. The detection limit in the test is 0.5 ng/ml.

In the acute phase of a myocardial infarction (after approx. 20 min), hFABP is also released from the heart muscle tissue. For this reason, this protein, in addition to cTnI, is very well suited to support the early detection of myocardial infarction. The detection limit in the test is 7 ng/ml.

Which diseases/clinical situations can possibly falsify the result of the test?

– hFABP is also present in small amounts in the skeletal muscle.

– Unusually strong physical activity (e.g. marathon running) can destroy skeletal muscle cells. Thereby hFABP is released into the blood.

– Kidney insufficiency: h-FABP is constantly released into the blood by the muscle system in minute quantities and washed out by the kidneys. If the kidneys can no longer fulfil this task sufficiently, the hFABP level can be increased.

– The presence of exceptionally high concentrations of heterophilic antibodies (cross-reaction possible) or rheumatic factors (RF), unstable angina pectoris, congestive heart failure and a recent bypass operation of the coronary arteries can have a false positive effect on the result.